Touch Grass
Touch Grass, an onchain digest by Lens
World Computer Sculpture Garden
Something very onchain, but a little different.
Most Popular
Tending a Forest
Do you think you can hurt my feelings? I’m not technical and I work in tech
AI Memecoins and stickers, and why should one stick to stickers
Nuevo Orden Mundial
Onchain Fun
Drop your relatives and come hack with your internet friends during your winter break.
For this edition of Touch Grass, we invited Dayana to share her perspective and curate onchain content with us
I hope this newsletter finds you well (cover image by GRLKRASH)
thoughts, or lackthereof
And I was thinkin' to myself, "This could be heaven or this could be hell"
i think about this every day
system error. I have Apple and work on the blockchain, but still. SYSTEM ERROR.
Shocking revelations
on the soft touch required to make our tech palatable
How did we all get here? What is really happening in crypto? And your usual onchain digest.